Hello, my name is Ashley Joy
I am from BSIT-MI211
currently taking Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in Makati, Philippines.
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About Me
I'm Ashley Pojol and a Student
I am currently interested in making website, I specialized in both Front-End and Back End design. Although my weakness when coding
website is the lack of time and gadgets I have. Subjects which peak my interest in school are Web Programming and Mobile Application.
Things I do during my free time is play online games in my phone or in my PC, I am deeply inclined with gaming I often join many
tournaments within my community as a hobby.
I have a pet cat named Toru, I am a cat-person. I like foods which are not to sweet I like bittersweet chocolates like dark chocolates I hate
seafoods since I am allergic to them.
Full Name : Ashley Joy Pojol
Address : Santa Rosa, Laguna
Birthday : May 05, 2003
Age: 19 Years Old
Email : acpojol@student.apc.edu.ph
Phone : 09165825670
Skills in Coding
Educational Background
2015 - 2019
Colegio San Agustin Binan Laguna
Located at Southwoods Ecocentrum ave, Biñan, 4024 Laguna, I graduated in Elementary and High-School in Colegio San Agustin Biñan.
2019 - 2021
Asia Pacific College
Located at 3 Humabon, Makati, 1232 Kalakhang Maynila, I graduated in Senior High School in Asia Pacific College.
2019 - Present Year (2023)
Asia Pacific College
Located at 3 Humabon, Makati, 1232 Kalakhang Maynila, Currently persuing Bachelor of Science in Information Technology in College.
Awards in Highschool
Grade 07: Best in Mathematics Award
Grade 08: Perfect Attendance Award
Grade 09: MVP in Volleyball (Intramurals)
Grade 10: Loyalty Award
Awards in Asia Pacific College (Senior High School)
Grade 11: Best Thesis in Practical Research I
Grade 12: Best Thesis in Practical Research II
Grade 12: Best Thesis in Filipino Academic & Loyalty Award
Awards in Asia Pacific College (College)(2023)
Asia Pacific College
Notice: Still in Progress.
I like to travel in the North especially during weekends and I like to play games as a form of entertainment.
I prefer Filipino and Japanese Food, Beef Steak and Pork Tonkatsu are one of my favorite foods.
I have a cat named "Toru" which has a bread of Devon Rex, He is 5 years old turning 6 in January 10.
I am a streamer at a company called "Garena", and currently an official streamer at various games.
Aside from being a streamer, I am currently help managing a business with my family.
I want to be a successful web-analyst, and maybe a programmer if God allows me.
Contact Me
Want to Reach, Ashie?
Contacts to Reach me are Below
Phone Number
+63 916-582-5670
Ashley Joy Pojol
Santa Rosa, Laguna - Philippines
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